Mathematics lessons in the pre-IB class


In the IB Mathematics course, emphasis is placed upon gradual development of concepts in order for them to see every day uses and practical applications of the Mathematics they are studying. So far this term, the pre IB group has been studying the Trigonometry topics quite extensively.  Through investigations, they discovered the laws related to the sides and angles in a triangle and are applying their knowledge to solve everyday real life problems.

In these photos, students are using the clinometer  to calculate the angle to the top of a tall object from eye level. Combined with their Trigonometry skills , they can work out the height of the building from different points on the ground.
This is just one simple example of the usefulness of Trigonometry in real situation.  As they progress through the year, they will learn that Trigonometry turns out to be fundamental to pretty much to anything to do with angles, turning and swinging!